Sunday, January 8, 2012


This is Moki... he is my kitty.. and I love him very very much. I choose this pic because every morning he wakes me up at 5:30 AM to feed him.. yes.. 5:30 AM ...and yes.. every morning like clockwork. I chug a glass of water, feed him, go back to bed .. its just part of the routine now.  I am basically sleep walking it's become so normal... but I bring this up because the best part of my morning routine is about 2 hours later I wake up with Moki cuddled up on my left side purring, and Taylor cuddled up on my right.. and it's the BEST feeling.. I HATE getting out of bed because its just a mound of cuddles and love and WHO would want to leave that to go to work.. NOT ME! but atlas... I have to mon-fri and sometimes on the weekend... This morning was especially hard.. I just wanted to stay in bed...and cuddle with my babies... this is part of my daily life.. cuddles and having to be torn from them. :(
Jan 5th... Day 5...

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