Wednesday, January 4, 2012


1/4/12... Four...
Today I took a picture and Actually STARTED this blog of an idea, for my new years resolution, diary thing which is a big deal....
...I got new glasses today.. these are them.. sorry you can not see them on my face.. but I want to remain FACELESS on this GIANT WORLD OF the INTERNET.. so back to the glasses.. they are kinda nerdy.. but I kinda love them.. as I can see out of them without seeing that I am wearing glasses... ALL those who wear glasses know what I am talking about and the importance of this feature that comes with LARGE lenses.... and all  those ppl are also very thankful that this is a current fad with glasses... NERDS ARE COOL>> and I am DEF A NERD... hhhiigghhh fivvveee... x

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