Monday, January 16, 2012

1/14 -1/15

So I have flaked out on a couple days.. and instead of just posting something to post it.. I am just going to do a quite fill in, and take this more seriously from here on out...

1.11.12 - Worked and went home to read.. it was awesome and chill, I watched September issue, which is a movie about Vogues sept issue, very cool, very the devil wears Prada..very much the world i work it.
1.12.12 - same as above.. minus the movie.. into the Hunger Games books.. just finished # 2!
1.13.12 FRIDAY! love fridays.. I was so over everything today as have been working straight since the 3rd.. I went home . .made dinner vegged out hard core on the couch.. then picked myself up and went out with Friends.. we went to the Dime, and this new cute place called Rosewood.. which i really liked.. OH i also got picked up on by a guy who asked me if my girlfriend and i were lesbos.. really??? it was hysterical!

okay.. brings us to present.. This pic marks both the 14th & the 15th .. A whole bunch of us went to a party that some friends threw, which was NEW YEARS 2.0.. new years eve repeat party.. countdown and all.. It was awesome! I loved that I got to see some friends I hadn't seen in a while and got to repeat the 2012 kick off with some dear friends... they had fake tattoos.. this is Taylor and I cuddled on the couch the next morning watching football showing off our tattoos...we did nothing but chill and watch football ALL Day.. was kinda awesome !

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