Sunday, March 18, 2012

Brings us to the Present 3.18

Taylor and I had planned a cozy day in.. that some how lead to a day of us running errands in the rain..
just isn't enough time for what you got to do .. and what you want to do ..
Here is our afternoon mall treat to get us through...

last night I went out .. Lost my car keys.. They fell out of my purse somewhere.. in the 8 years I have had my car I guess I should be happy that I have never done this before .. I had to tow my car this AM to the dealership to have a new set of keys made.. this is EXACTLY what I wanted to be doing on a sunday .. and EXACTLY what I want to be spending my savings on... ummmm NOT... t-minus 5 hours of headache and counting... UGH... annoyed.. lesson learned.. ALWAYS HAVE A SPARE SET!

some where in there...

I went fishing with a group of friends where we went out on the boat, caught tons of fish, and went back and had a BBQ! was SUCH a good time!

more pics from work this past week. 
Finally had some quiet time and this is my desk view at home.. cozy right! 

I have mastered the Chateau Marmont driveway! 

3.2 - 3.6 ish..

After I finished all those jobs I got sick.. BOO! slept for 2 days straight! AND My Best friend Victoria came into town.. again.. which was great! we dragged my sick self to the wine country for a little R&R .. was a nice little romantic friend get a way.. Best part was the day we left MOKI snuck into his kitty treats! bad kitty!

Demetria .. One of my favorite wineries in SB.. was such a wonderful saturday! 

Crazy Work week of end of Feb.. 2.26 .. 3.2

My co worker Katie was in Hawaii this week so all the jobs fell on me .. which was fine.. but it was DEF hectic.. Vogue 2 days.. Chandon 1 day.. Lancome 1 day.. all back to back.. ALL last min.. wasn't my finest hour...
had ALOT of these little guys this week... ha

still my fav 

UPDATE time.. end of Feb... 2.22 and beyond

Dear friends came to visit at the end of Feb, Here is Amiee and I at Elvis's place to get a trim, meeting his cute little puppy! who yes.. is dyed pink! ha

While they were in Town .. we had a quite crazy game night.. always a good time :) 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


COUTDOWN till brothers March wedding.. this is my bridesmaid dress! .. lets hope it fits!


Nothing like working on a holiday... major plus is NO TRAFFIC! I actually got to drive on the freeway .. full green made it to work in 1/2 the time.. AMAZING!

Had the JOY of going to my favorite sushi spot with good company...  KAT-SU-YA best SUSHI EVER!! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


the card said...."I hope these flowers brighten your day like you've brightened mine since the day I  met you...".... Keeper? umm.. YES! made me cry...


Description of LOTS of ppl in this world..


Path's on a Path..


Thursday.. out of work.. in my car.. half way home.. and it was 5:40.. YES PLEASE! went to get the nails done since I had SOO much time on my hands!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2/8/12 A

I have been on location the past 2 days for Michael Kors Catalog shoot.. I love the Kors folks! they are great! here was our last location of the day.. ahhh so relaxing! gotta love LA weather and beach!


Backing up a bit... Our Heater is out in our bedroom.. SUCKS.. as it is CHILLY at night...
I am wearing about 3 layers to bed at night and this... SEE PIC.. my lovely ski hat.. i look ridiculous...


WOW.. its been a bit since I have last posted.. and a LOT has happened.. kinda..
Here are a run through of pics that I have from my various activities over the past week.. There is TONS that went undocumented sadly...

2/2/12  - Prepped all week for a cover shoot for Elle with Tom Munro and Rihanna! too freaking cool.. these are pics of our cool Mexican village we shot at.. which I found.. was awesome.. random and in the middle of nowhere..

2/3/12 - Found out our friend was having a baby! kinda sudden.. but wow .. super cute!! this is the little bunny we got her! they are the same size!

2/4/12 - I WON AN iPAD! but I have to sell it cause I need the money more then I need the iPad... plus I already share one.. 

2/5/12 - SUPER BOWL... don't have great pics that express this amazing event.. 35 + people at my house.. food beer and football. it was awesome.. here is a pic though of a crawfish from the Boiling crab where Taylor and I went for a friend's Bday this weekend as well.. we love our seafood!.. was AWESOME! 

2/6/12 - I can't live with out chap stick.. PERIOD.. 

Monday, January 30, 2012


Today Taylor and I bought a new piece of furniture for our place! we FINALLY found an armoire.. thank goodness.. The best part was it was 2 blocks from where we live...but we didn't look at it till 5 pm.. so we had to RUN to U-Haul and grab a dolly from them right before they closed.. we were almost denied.. but Taylor made it happen.. then we WHEELED our new HUGE armoire all the way home.. in the street.. was quite a sight to see!


AH saturday... last weekend we were out of town.. this weekend all I wanted to do was CHILL OUT.. I went on a nice beautiful run.. Here is a pic of my view while running.. then after I wanted a smoothie, but instead of spending money on it.. I decided to make one!! was super easy, so yummy and will now be part of the morning routine... I also went to an a capella show thanks to my dear friend Liz... PENATONIX.. I love you...


Im still HERE!!! .. here is the Back of the Mansion...still shooting here today.. its so unreal...
TODAY WAS MY DADDYS BDAY! he is TRULY the best dad in the world.. if I had the money.. I would buy him this house!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Little Shack in Beverly Hills... where I was shooting today!


FLOWER DAY!!! got to go to flower market for work which is my fav!! these are 2 of my creations...


Went to a fabulous dinner tonight with 2 very good friends....AND ate a whole pizza... yes .. it was SOO GOOD>> and I just couldn't stop... 4 cheese with Mushroom... what can you do when your with good company and fantastic conversation.


OOPS... didn't take a pic...

Monday, January 23, 2012


What a wonderful weekend with friends.. Big Bear really was a lot of fun. I am STUFFED from the weekend and happy to be heading back home to the mokster... We did not get to ski/board.. there just wasn't enough snow really, and it rained saturday morning so sunday we were just ready to go back.. we did do plenty of Laughing, eating, singing, dancing, and game playing!

Here is my horrible attempt at capturing the beauty you see as you are driving down the mountain...

In other news...
I am going to be a bridesmaid in my brothers wedding:)


What a Weekend!!! We stayed up till 4:30 AM last night, just dancing,playing games and being silly..really enjoying being with everyone and just chill in out!
We did manage to get up today and get out of the house... YAY to go SNOW TUBBING! how fun is that! .. it was awesome!


FRIDAY! even though it has not been a hectic week at work at all.. I am very happy its Friday!! Taylor and I leave tonight to drive up to Big Bear to celebrate a close friends 30th Bday! here is a view out of the back window of the cabin we are staying in right on the lake.. Really happy to always get out of LA and chill out with Friends!


Tonight was game night, but I sadly did not capture a photo of the TRULY awesome event... Good friends, good condo..good food (made Fruit Skewers & Chocolate sauce, and Grilled cheese with tomato sandwiches) ..awesome game play.. love Boulderdash.. was a very silly time..
I did however capture a pic of this ADORABLE bunny I found as a present to 2 good friends of mine who had Babies this month! that is right!! 2 good friends gave birth to 2 little girls.. and I saw this and thought - oh how sweet - isn't it the cutest!!!!! .. so soft and cuddly! I hope they like it!!


WED NIGHT! was watch GLEE and NEW GIRL night for me as the BF has Soccer practice and I had no plans:) I also painted my nails... I LOVE this color it was a christmas present from my dear friend who knows all there is about nail polish and cool nails... I will never follow in her footsteps as I am the WORST at painting my nails, but hopefully this made her proud! x

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Shit Happens.... This water bottle has been sitting in my fridge for weeks and I have been avoiding it. Last night I hear this noise like something exploded in the kitchen..sure enough I look in the fridge and this bottle has frozen up, cracked and shattered all over the inside of my fridge. This is most def a metaphor .. if you avoid things that you know you need to take care of, they will explode and cause more damage then if you would have just taken care of them in the first place! Lesson Learned! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Today I only went in for a half day at work because of the Martin Luther King holiday...which was a surprise and totally awesome because My GF was planning on getting a tattoo that day and originally we were going to go together, but I wasn't going to be able to make it cause of work.... This gift of a half day changed things and NOW I was able to go.
We met for lunch .. then went to the Tattoo Parlor... I was so excited, so scared, and so pumped up on adrenaline. Thank goodness there was wine to calm the nerves. I was still on the fence about getting my tattoo, but only because of the fear of the pain, and the horror of something bad happening like, being allergic to the ink, it getting infected, or God forbid getting hepatitis.. But we were at a clean place with an amazing vibe that our friend had researched the shit out of.  Due to my uneasiness My GF went first and I documented the event via pics and video. I can't tell you how amazing it was to be there with her as she got her tattoo knowing what the tattoo meant to her. It was the coolest experience. Once she was done... it was my turn.. WA WA.. Turns out because of my ski trip this weekend the guy wouldn't do it! I was SOOO disappointed... extremely disappointed to go home after all that build up with nothing.. I sat on my couch so sad... depressed that the only thing I had to look forward to at the moment was to go grocery shopping.. unbelievable!...I committed to get one, I cheers to it with my girlfriend (whose tattoo is all about commitment).. therefore the date is set - Jan 28th ... and I WILL get my Tattoo.. !!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

1/14 -1/15

So I have flaked out on a couple days.. and instead of just posting something to post it.. I am just going to do a quite fill in, and take this more seriously from here on out...

1.11.12 - Worked and went home to read.. it was awesome and chill, I watched September issue, which is a movie about Vogues sept issue, very cool, very the devil wears Prada..very much the world i work it.
1.12.12 - same as above.. minus the movie.. into the Hunger Games books.. just finished # 2!
1.13.12 FRIDAY! love fridays.. I was so over everything today as have been working straight since the 3rd.. I went home . .made dinner vegged out hard core on the couch.. then picked myself up and went out with Friends.. we went to the Dime, and this new cute place called Rosewood.. which i really liked.. OH i also got picked up on by a guy who asked me if my girlfriend and i were lesbos.. really??? it was hysterical!

okay.. brings us to present.. This pic marks both the 14th & the 15th .. A whole bunch of us went to a party that some friends threw, which was NEW YEARS 2.0.. new years eve repeat party.. countdown and all.. It was awesome! I loved that I got to see some friends I hadn't seen in a while and got to repeat the 2012 kick off with some dear friends... they had fake tattoos.. this is Taylor and I cuddled on the couch the next morning watching football showing off our tattoos...we did nothing but chill and watch football ALL Day.. was kinda awesome !


UPGRADE! I was made fun of 24/7 about how old and ghetto my computer was.. so an upgrade was in order.. I still love my PC. but I have to say.. these macs are FAST and so EASY! love it...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


this is where I was all day for our photo shoot day started at 8 am...ended at 3 am...was a LONG day.




Sunday, January 8, 2012


7th day of January...
I love a lot of the things I get to do at work.
One of those things is going to the flower market...(I get to go and buy flowers on the companies dime for our photo shoots. I love it!) I had never been to the LA flower market until I had to for work, and once that door was opened... I was SOLD.
I really enjoy flowers, I am always buying them for the house, and love having them at my desk at work, love giving them to friends for b'days and other events... they just bring a good energy.. I occasionally dream of opening a flower store, or at lease helping with arrangements for events one day. Today I had to go to purchase flowers for an up coming shoot... There is one thing I don't love about buying flowers for work... I have to purchase white flowers only, which is beautiful and really does look clean and sleek.. but I like color. So when I go to the market I will also spend a little $ to buy some nice colorful flowers for my home...EVERYONE should buy flowers at the market.. the costs are very reasonable and you get more for your money. Here are the pink roses I bought..2 dozen for $11 bucks.. can't beat that !! Stop and Smell the Roses People!!!