Wednesday, February 8, 2012


WOW.. its been a bit since I have last posted.. and a LOT has happened.. kinda..
Here are a run through of pics that I have from my various activities over the past week.. There is TONS that went undocumented sadly...

2/2/12  - Prepped all week for a cover shoot for Elle with Tom Munro and Rihanna! too freaking cool.. these are pics of our cool Mexican village we shot at.. which I found.. was awesome.. random and in the middle of nowhere..

2/3/12 - Found out our friend was having a baby! kinda sudden.. but wow .. super cute!! this is the little bunny we got her! they are the same size!

2/4/12 - I WON AN iPAD! but I have to sell it cause I need the money more then I need the iPad... plus I already share one.. 

2/5/12 - SUPER BOWL... don't have great pics that express this amazing event.. 35 + people at my house.. food beer and football. it was awesome.. here is a pic though of a crawfish from the Boiling crab where Taylor and I went for a friend's Bday this weekend as well.. we love our seafood!.. was AWESOME! 

2/6/12 - I can't live with out chap stick.. PERIOD.. 

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