Sunday, March 18, 2012

Brings us to the Present 3.18

Taylor and I had planned a cozy day in.. that some how lead to a day of us running errands in the rain..
just isn't enough time for what you got to do .. and what you want to do ..
Here is our afternoon mall treat to get us through...

last night I went out .. Lost my car keys.. They fell out of my purse somewhere.. in the 8 years I have had my car I guess I should be happy that I have never done this before .. I had to tow my car this AM to the dealership to have a new set of keys made.. this is EXACTLY what I wanted to be doing on a sunday .. and EXACTLY what I want to be spending my savings on... ummmm NOT... t-minus 5 hours of headache and counting... UGH... annoyed.. lesson learned.. ALWAYS HAVE A SPARE SET!

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