Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Here we GO again.

Hello world...

Recently I found myself saying to myself - I need a blog.
I need a space where I can vent, where I can rave and rant about whatever I want to! where I can post how I feel, where I can chat it up.
Today I decide to take action on this BLOGGING and go to Blogger to start a blog.. and BOOM - low and behold - I HAVE A BLOG ALREADY.


Seriously... I thought this blog was toast, but NOPE as I go to set up a new blog - my old blog idea I had at the start of 2012 is still here, living the life on the inter-web.

so... just going to dust this one off.. and..

Here we go again.

Blog post #1 of 2nd Blog series.
(1st series was a blogFAIL do to extreme laziness - fingers crossed the 2nd series has a better life span)

I do not know what this blog is going to "be" yet.

maybe this blog will be a space for me to rant about all the shitty things in my life.
maybe this blog will be a space for me to rave about all the positive and wonderful in my life.
maybe it will be pure inner monologue of my day to day activities which I find very entertaining.
maybe I will promote loved ones and their projects I so admire.
maybe all of it.
maybe none of it, as shit there is a lot out there already!

for whatever the reason
at the moment I feel the need to have blog.
I feel like I need a voice in this world of technology we are surrounded by.

I just got married and regret not blogging about that experience as wedding planning is QUITE the experience. I so WISH that I could have shared what I learned through out that process with others.

I guess I just want to set myself up to be able to discuss what I feel strongly about at a moments notice.
funny thing is - it will most likely just be me blabbing to myself as I don't think people would actually read this.. HA.

But if anything it's now a place for me to use in whatever way that I see fit, and the freedom of that is exciting.

... what to discuss.. so many possibilities.

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