Wednesday, September 18, 2013

(Sā) = SAY

The company I work with opened my eyes to the world of flowers. 
I always loved flowers.
There is something about them that just makes you happy and feel good, but I never really worked with them other than just purchasing a bouquet from the local grocery store. 

One of the responsibilities our company has for the shoots we produce is to provide flowers for the set to help with the ambiance and mood we want to create for our clients. This task lead to me discovering the flower market downtown where you can purchase flowers at whole sale, and sheers which make cutting flowers so much easier, and the names of different flowers, and practice with different flower arrangements for catering tables, motorhomes and talent areas. 

This practice also lead to more flower arranging around the house, and giving flower gifts to friends, and even ordering and arranging flowers for my wedding. 

Which lead me to wonder - hey - this is fun, something I love to do maybe I can turn this into a business ?!

This August I decided that yes, let's start a business!
I want to keep it small - just events & weddings to start, I also think it would be fun to flower arrange for local shops and restaurants. 
The Day to Day flower arranging for personal I think might be too hard as a part time job. something I can do on the weekend and evenings. 

I had been brainstorming names - and always felt like it was at the tip of my tongue, but just couldn't flush it out until TODAY! 

(Sā) = SAY ! is the new name of my flower co. !!!!!!

I wanted to find something that stood for the language, communication, and the statement that flowers make. Through a brainstorming technique suggested by my co worker, I came up with SAY. I want to illustrate the name through the pronunciation of the word. 
We all order flowers to express and evoke emotion in others - we are all trying to say something through the flowers. 
I feel like it's perfect. 

I am excited and feel like I know have the 1st piece achieved to move forward with my idea. 

To be continued! 

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