Sunday, March 18, 2012

Brings us to the Present 3.18

Taylor and I had planned a cozy day in.. that some how lead to a day of us running errands in the rain..
just isn't enough time for what you got to do .. and what you want to do ..
Here is our afternoon mall treat to get us through...

last night I went out .. Lost my car keys.. They fell out of my purse somewhere.. in the 8 years I have had my car I guess I should be happy that I have never done this before .. I had to tow my car this AM to the dealership to have a new set of keys made.. this is EXACTLY what I wanted to be doing on a sunday .. and EXACTLY what I want to be spending my savings on... ummmm NOT... t-minus 5 hours of headache and counting... UGH... annoyed.. lesson learned.. ALWAYS HAVE A SPARE SET!

some where in there...

I went fishing with a group of friends where we went out on the boat, caught tons of fish, and went back and had a BBQ! was SUCH a good time!

more pics from work this past week. 
Finally had some quiet time and this is my desk view at home.. cozy right! 

I have mastered the Chateau Marmont driveway! 

3.2 - 3.6 ish..

After I finished all those jobs I got sick.. BOO! slept for 2 days straight! AND My Best friend Victoria came into town.. again.. which was great! we dragged my sick self to the wine country for a little R&R .. was a nice little romantic friend get a way.. Best part was the day we left MOKI snuck into his kitty treats! bad kitty!

Demetria .. One of my favorite wineries in SB.. was such a wonderful saturday! 

Crazy Work week of end of Feb.. 2.26 .. 3.2

My co worker Katie was in Hawaii this week so all the jobs fell on me .. which was fine.. but it was DEF hectic.. Vogue 2 days.. Chandon 1 day.. Lancome 1 day.. all back to back.. ALL last min.. wasn't my finest hour...
had ALOT of these little guys this week... ha

still my fav 

UPDATE time.. end of Feb... 2.22 and beyond

Dear friends came to visit at the end of Feb, Here is Amiee and I at Elvis's place to get a trim, meeting his cute little puppy! who yes.. is dyed pink! ha

While they were in Town .. we had a quite crazy game night.. always a good time :)